Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Datagrid column's formatting

Formatting a datagrid or radgrid column is really easy. We just need to verify the following:

1. Source Datatype to apply the format.
2. The format itself.

To clarify this:
Let's say we need to format a numeric field "Qty", so that instead of having 12 value, it shows 12.00, then, We need to ensure ourselves that "Qty" datatype is decimal or numeric in the case we are planning to use the {0:F4} format. Otherwise, it will always show 12.

Ways of formatting a radgrid or datagrid column in the aspx page:
1. Formatting with String.Format.
2. Formatting with Databinder.Eval

Even though, both can do exactly the same thing. The theory said (I couldn't verify this) that the String.Format method is faster than Databinder.Eval; However, some programmers said that the difference is just miliseconds and the code is a little bit more complicated so that is worthless.
Anyways, I will develop here the second method: Formatting with Databinder.Eval.

When using a BoundColumn:

1 <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="TaxRate" HeaderText="Tax Rate" UniqueName="TaxRate"
2 DataFormatString="{0:F4}" HtmlEncode="false">

3 <HeaderStyle Font-Names="Arial" HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="35px" />

4 <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Wrap="True" />

5 </telerik:GridBoundColumn>

When Using a TemplateColumn:

1 <telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Tax Rate" UniqueName="TaxRate" Visible="True">
2 <HeaderStyle Font-Names="Arial" HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="35px" Wrap="True" />

3 <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Wrap="False" Font-Names="Arial" />

4 <ItemTemplate>

5 <asp:Label ID="lblTaxRate" runat="server" CssClass="label2" Width="35px" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container, "DataItem.TaxRate", "{0:F4}") %>'></asp:Label>

6 </ItemTemplate>

7 </telerik:GridTemplateColumn>

Formatting with String Format:

1 <%# String.Format("{0:c}",
2 ((System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord)Container.DataItem)["TaxRate"]) %>


Format Expressions:

1. This will display a text Price: followed by the numeric text in currency format

Format String: Price: {0:C}


Applied to numeric and decimal data types.

The currency format is according to the culture info set in the web config file.

2. Integers are displayed in a zero-padded field four characters wide.

Format String : {0:D4}

Applied to integer datatype only.

3. To show two decimal places followed by "%"

Format String : {0:N2}%

Applied to integer datatype only.

4. To round the numbers to one decimal place and are zero padded for numbers less than three digits.

Format String : {0:000.0}

Applied to numeric and decimal datatype only.

5. Long Date format

Format String: {0:D}

Applied to date and datetime datatype only.

( the above formatting is as set in the web config)

6. Short Date format

Format String : {0:d}

Applied to date and datetime datatype only.

( the above formatting is as set in the web config)

6. Numeric Date format

Format String : {0:yy-MM-dd}

Applied to date and datetime datatype only.

Reorted Issues:

When the formatting doesn't work, verify the datatype and in the case of BoundColumns, try by setting: HtmlEncode = false.

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